Industry 4.0

Virtual Reality for Training and Industry Gamification

\Acelerada pela pandemia, a realidade virtual para treinamentos corporativos vem se tornado um padrão em empresas modernas, seja para aperfeiçoar a capacitação dos seus colaboradores, para melhorar a cultura organizacional ou para segurança e prevenção de riscos.

More engaged professionals in the Human Resources (HR) sector have already realized that the conventional practice of training employees is outdated.

In general, operational trainings with virtual reality have less costs than those carried out in a concrete environment, in addition to bringing better content retention and developing greater efficiency in the work environment.

Gamification in Industry

The term Gamification has become one of the biggest trends in the industrial sector.

It consists of a method of healthy competition among employees, capable of generating greater initiative for training, due to its ability to encourage the achievement of better results, as well as in entertainment games.

In this scenario, it is possible to create or transform the various training courses in the industrial/corporate sector, into digital games with interaction, scoring, awards, etc.

With that in mind, virtual reality has been collaborating a lot, with an immersive, interactive experience, with a high degree of learning and that arouses greater interest among users.

Work environments that were aggressive, dangerous and costly to carry out training (such as safety protocols, working at heights, confined space, handling equipment, behavioral situations, maintenance, etc.) become more practical, effective, safe and with reduced cost.

Karl Kapp, one of the leading experts in the field, defines the term precisely:

Gamification is the use of game-based mechanics, aesthetics and thinking to engage people, motivate action, promote learning and solve problems.

10 advantages of training through Virtual Reality:

  1. Possibility of simulating risk situations within a controlled environment;
  2. Simulate situations and conditions at any time;
  3. Enhancement of skills;
  4. Possibility of serving a large number of users in different locations;
  5. Cognitive, interactive and practical approach that strengthens learning;
  6. Possibility of feedback and continuous assessment;
  7. User knowledge management;
  8. Exploitation of virtual scenarios as an experience for real world scenarios;
  9. Repetition and practice to gain efficiency.
  10. Balance between managing people and results.

Watch the video of various trainings in Virtual Reality:

How to hire the Virtual Reality service for training and Industrial Gamification?

National companies and industries that first realize the importance of virtual reality for training will automatically have a market advantage.

Innovation in the modern workplace was already needed. The pandemic only revealed the urgency of it. It takes creativity and innovation within companies, combining technology, fun and efficiency.

Virtuatech® Engenharia can help bring this training technology to your company or industry.

In a short time, the positive results will show the benefits not only for the employees users, but for the company as a whole!

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