Industry 4.0

Virtual Reality in the industrial sector

First of all, do you know what is Virtual Reality (VR or VR in English)?

It is a computer-generated simulation technology where the user can interact with the three-dimensional environment using electronic devices such as special glasses and sensor-equipped controls.

A direct connection with the senses of hearing, sight and, in some cases, even smell is possible. Along with the high interactive capability, these factors cause a powerful immersion.

Learning in this case is extremely effective, as the user has rapid absorption of knowledge experienced, as well as (in the work environment) the increase in productivity and, consequently, profit.

This joining of realities is already common practice in many up-to-date industries in the market.

Virtual Reality can also be considered as the junction of three main ideas: immersion, interaction and involvement.

Immersion is linked with the feeling of being inside the environment. Interaction, with the computer's ability to detect user input and instantly modify the virtual world and actions on it (reactive capacity).

The idea of ​​involvement, in turn, is linked to the degree of motivation for engaging a person in a certain activity.

Engagement can be passive, like reading a book or watching television, or active, like playing a game with a partner. Virtual reality has the potential for both types of involvement by allowing the exploration of a virtual environment and by providing user interaction with a dynamic virtual world."

Dr. Márcio Sarroglia Pinho and Dr. Cláudio Kirner, in a detailed study on the subject that you can check here.

Some of the Benefits of Virtual Reality in Industry

  • Cost reduction;
  • Integration between teams;
  • Remote support for equipment installation and maintenance;
  • Professional training and qualifications;;
  • Reduction of execution errors;
  • Safety at work;
  • Greater productivity.

Areas that are expanding with the use of Virtual Reality:

  • Games and entertainment.
  • Distance communication and education.
  • Simulation and training of airplane pilots.
  • Conference call.
  • Conception of projects for design, architecture and urbanism;
  • Engineering and industry.
  • Public safety (military training).
  • Medicine.

How to hire Virtual Reality services for your industry?

National industries that first realize the importance of Virtual Reality will automatically have an advantage in the market! Virtuatech® Engenharia dominates VR technology, with a main focus on industries.

Virtuatech is the ideal partner company for your business, due to its great experience in the sector and because it is formed by a capable, trained and connected team to the technological world.

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