industrial engineering

Turkey supply is a modality that consists of providing a complete package of services and solutions for a project, covering all its stages, from initial consultancy to delivery.

The Turnkey contract is very useful in factories, since the entire production, from the purchasing process to product assembly, is under the responsibility of single supplier.




Advantages of Turnkey Supply 



Turnkey supply greatly benefits the industry. In the context of factories and civil construction, where the production process has always involved several stages, it is essential to ensure good alignment between those involved. This helps the project to better adapt to the client's final expectations, bypassing flaws and improving the quality of the product offered.

Some of the advantages of opting for Turnkey are also:

  • The shortest construction time;
  • Alignment between sectors, avoiding delays from those that could harm the project's progress;
  • The simplification of contract management and lower cost, since, with a single company taking care of all the processes, there is less bureaucracy and more space for efficient planning that fits in your pocket;
  • Allows the customer to devote themselves to their normal activities. 



How to hire the Turnkey service? 



The hiring of Virtuatech® Engenharia for the execution of a project in the Turnkey regime is extremely advantageous for the reduction of costs and deadlines for the client.



A Virtuatech® Engenharia performs all the control and monitoring of the project, and is responsible for all its execution.


The professionals at Virtuatech® Engenharia are specialized and experienced in Turnkey execution, ensuring final delivery safely and seriously. (And with commissioning and issuance of ART, NR10 and NR12 reports).



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